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Order a current land title or plan with myLTSA – LTSA’s online service for search, filing, and more. Register Now

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Need to change your address? Alert Level: LOW

Learn how to update your mailing address on title with LTSA’s online application form or learn how to make other changes to title.

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Front Counters Open By Appointment Only Alert Level: LOW

Please be aware that LTSA’s Land Title Office front counters are open 9 am – 3 pm, Monday to Friday by appointment only. Many common transactions are now available online. To book an in-person visit, contact the Customer Service Centre at 1-877-577-LTSA (5872) .

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Cash is not accepted in person or by mail.

Common Transaction Fees

Fee Listing Effective April 1, 2024

ServiceCurrent Fee
Indefeasible Title and Charge Filing$81.27
General Filing (ex. Power of Attorney or bylaw)$32.51
Document or Plan Order$17.24
Certification (ex. State of Title Certificate)$16.25
Title Search$10.72

General Fees

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Searches ordered or applications filed using the myLTSA portal are subject to a service charge (see Administrative Fees below). If the application includes a form signed using a Juricert electronic signature, it will also be subject to a Juricert fee. GST is payable on the service charge and Juricert fee. Please contact Juricert Services for more information about Juricert.

For transactions carried out in person, fees are payable by Visa, MasterCard, debit card, money order or cheque. For transactions requested by mail, fees are payable by cheque or money order.

Cash is not accepted in person or by mail. Please make cheques payable in Canadian funds to: Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia.

GST (5%) and PST (7%) are payable where applicable. All registration fees are GST and PST exempt.

Statutory Services under the Land Title Act

Note: Where a service makes reference to a ‘section’ in Table 1, the reference is to the applicable section of the Land Title Act.

Statutory Service under the Land Title Act Current Customer Fee Examples
1.Indefeasible Title
(1)  To
(a) register an indefeasible title,
(b) issue a duplicate indefeasible title under section 176 or provisional indefeasible title under section 193,
(c) endorse a change of name under section 191 (2), or
(d) cancel interior lot lines under
section 137 and register an indefeasible title to the resulting parcel.
$81.27 ·  Transfer of Title

·  Issue a Duplicate Certificate of Title

·  Change of Name on Title

·  Application to Cancel Interior Lot Lines

2.  Charges
(1) To
(a) register a charge, or anything in the same manner as a charge,
(b) lodge a caveat, or an order referred to in section 284,
(c) file a notice of tax sale under section 272,
(d) register a transfer, transmission, modification, extension, renewal or postponement of anything registered under Item 2 (1), or
(e) endorse a change of name under section 191 (3).
$81.27 for each action described regardless of the number of indefeasible titles affected by the action ·       Mortgage

·       Statutory Right of Way

·       Transfer of Charge

·       Modification of a Charge

·       Caveat

·       Certificate of Judgment

·       Certificate of Pending Litigation, except under Builders Lien Act

(2) To do anything under Item 2 (1) in respect of
(a) a specified family order, or
(b) a claim of lien, or a certificate of pending litigation, under the Builders Lien Act.
NIL ·       Notice of Maintenance Order under Family Maintenance Enforcement Act

·       Claim of Lien

·       Certificate of Pending Litigation under Builders Lien Act

3.  General Filing, Amendment or Change of Address
(1) To
(a) file an instrument or other document not provided for in this schedule, or
(b) make an amendment or other endorsement not provided for in this schedule on the register or another record.
$32.51 ·       Development Permit

·       Notice of Change of Bylaws under Strata Property Act

·       Power of Attorney

·       Amendment Request

(2) To file a change of address.
NIL ·       Change of Address for Title, Charge, or Strata Corporation
4.  Cancellation of a Charge
(1) To
(a) cancel the registration of a charge, or of anything registered in the same manner as a charge,
(b) withdraw a caveat or make an endorsement of the withdrawal, lapse, or discharge of a caveat, or
(c) file a notice of redemption under section 273.
$32.51 for each action described regardless of the number of indefeasible titles affected by the action ·       Discharge of Mortgage

·       Withdrawal of Caveat

·       Tax Sale Notice of Redemption

(2) To cancel registration of
(a) a specified family order,
(b) a claim of lien, or a certificate of pending litigation, under the Builders Lien Act, or
(c) a charge or other matter described in Item 2
(1) that is derived from or dependent on a charge or other matter described in Item 2 (1) that has been cancelled.
(3) For a merger of a charge or another matter referred to in Item 2 (1).
NIL ·       Release of Court Order under Family Maintenance Enforcement Act

·       Release of Claim of Lien

·       Release of Certificate of Pending Litigation under Builders Lien Act

5.  Plans
(1) To
(a) file or deposit a plan, or
(b) file a petition under section 123.
$102.09 ·       Subdivision Plans

·       Strata Plans

·       Reference Plans

·       Statutory Right of Way Plans

·       Bylaw Plans

·       Explanatory Plans

·       Posting Plans under section 69

(2) To file or deposit a public official plan under section 59, a posting plan under section 68 or a composite plan under section 71.
NIL ·       Posting Plans under section 68
6.  Pending Applications
(1) For
(a) a withdrawal of a pending application, or
(b) a cancellation of a pending application under section 308 (3).
$32.51 ·       Cancellation of an Application

·       Withdrawal of an Application

Refusal Notices
(2) For a refusal notice under section 308 (1).
The lesser of
$16.76 or the original fee
·       Notice Declining to Register (aka Defect Notice)
7.  Certification
(a) provide a certificate not described in Item 1 (b) or a certified copy of a record or other document, or
(b) provide a certified abstract of title or a certified extract from the register or another record.
$16.25 ·       State of Title Certificate


·       Certificate of Charge

8.  Surveyor General Services
For the Surveyor General to consider whether to
(a) allow a block outline posting under section 69 (3),
(b) approve an explanatory plan under section 70 (3),
(c) make an endorsement under section 94 (1) (c) or (d) or 118 (1),
(d) make a designation under
section 218 (1) (d) or 219 (3) (c), or
(e) approve an assignee under section 219 (11) (b).
9.  Retrieval of Images
To provide, in an electronic format, all or part of an imaged instrument, plan or other document.
$17.24 ·       Download of Image of Land Title Document and Plan through myLTSA
10. Searches
For a search under section 377 or a copy of the search results, or both.
$10.72 ·       Title Search

·       Name Search

·       Standard Terms Search

11. Aeronautics Act (Canada)
To file a zoning regulation and plan under section 22 of the Land Title Act Regulation.
$3.35 for each indefeasible title to which the plan relates ·       Aeronautics Act Filings, Modifications and Releases
12. Parcel Activity Notifier
For a six-month subscription service for automated alerts from the Registrar to the subscriber providing notification of the receipt of pending applications, corrections or legal notation endorsements related to a specific parcel.
$6.51 per subscription

Statutory Services under the Land Act

Note: Where a service makes reference to a ‘section’ in Table 2, the reference is to the appurtenant section of the Land Act.

Statutory Service under the
Land Act
Current Customer Fee
1.  Preparation by the Surveyor General, or persons acting under the Surveyor General’s direction, of a certified true copy of any
legal document, including a survey plan.
2.  Extracting, reviewing, researching or compiling information from records of the Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia other than “records” as defined in the Land Title Act. $100.12 per hour, with a
$50.06 minimum fee
3.  Issuance by the Surveyor General, or persons acting under the Surveyor General’s direction, of survey instructions and for the final plan examinations by the Surveyor General, or persons acting under the Surveyor General’s direction, of survey plans of Crown land, including without limitation for easements or statutory rights of way and plans under sections 72 and 79. $636.43
4.  Conduct of survey research by the Surveyor General, or persons acting under the Surveyor General’s direction in addition to all other applicable fees payable to the Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia. $100.12 per hour, with a minimum $100.12 fee

Statutory Services under the Mineral Tenure Act

Statutory Service under the
Mineral Tenure Act
Current Customer Fee
1. Mineral Tenure Act Plan Confirmation
The fee set under section 64(3)(c) of the Mineral Tenure Act for Survey Plan approvals by Surveyor General under sections 42, 44 and 53 of Mineral Tenure Act (in respect of plans resulting from full or partial surveys).
1 to 10 cells or claims, inclusive – $775.23

11 to 20 cells or claims, inclusive – $1,705.51

21 to 30 cells or claims, inclusive – $3,411.00

31 or more cells or claims –


2. Mining Lease Reduction Plan Confirmation
Review and examination by the Surveyor General of a plan prepared to reduce the area of a Mining Lease in accordance with section 44 of Mineral Tenure Act.
$775.23 per plan

Statutory Services under the Energy Resource Activities Act General Regulation

Statutory Service under the -Energy Resource Activities General Regulation Current Customer Fee
1. Plan examination by the Surveyor General, or persons acting under the Surveyor General’s direction, of a survey plan of Crown land for a right of way under the Energy Resource Activities Act General Regulation, and deposit of such plan in the Land Title Register by the Surveyor General. $636.43
2. Plan examination by the Surveyor General, or persons acting under the Surveyor General’s direction, of a survey plan for a well site under the Energy Resource Activities Act General Regulation, and filing of such plan in the Crown Land Registry by the Surveyor General. $309.42
3. Application to the Surveyor General for an extension of time to complete a survey or plan under the Energy Resource Activities Act General Regulation. $154.71

Statutory Services under the Land Owner Transparency Act

Statutory Service under the Land Owner Transparency Act Current Customer Fee
1. Filing of transparency declaration under any provision of the Act. $10.00
2. Filing of transparency report under any provision of the Act. $56.70
3. Inspection of transparency records or search of reported information by:
(a) an enforcement officer or a ministry official or employee under section 31;
(b) an official or employee of a taxing authority under section 32;
(c) an officer within the meaning of the Police Act or a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police under section 33;
(d) an official or employee of a regulator under section 34.
4. Search of publicly accessible information under section 35. NIL
5. Copy of or extract from
(a) transparency records or reported information, or
(b) publicly accessible information,
obtained from the administrator
6. Application under section 40 [Application to omit information if health or safety at risk]. $34.02
7. Application under section 42 [Application to correct or change information]. $170.10
8. Notice under section 17.1 [Notice required if corporation, trust or partnership ceases to be relevant corporation, relevant trust or relevant partnership] $34.02

Delegated Powers

Fees for applications submitted to the Surveyor General, for which the Surveyor General acts under authorities delegated by the minister responsible for an act.

Delegated Powers Current Customer Fee
1.  Section 58 of the Land Act. $763.02
2.  Section 108(5) of the Land Title Act. $763.02

Administrative Services

Administrative Service 1 Current Customer Fee
1. Manual Location and Retrieval of Record 2
To manually locate and retrieve a record of the Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia.
$46.50 per record
2. Electronic Images 3
To create, and if required to provide, in an electronic format, all or part of a record of the Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia, except a record which is an imaged instrument, plan or other document referred to in item 9 of Schedule 2 of the Land Title Act.
$17.24 per record, plus applicable fees under item 3.
3. Printing
To make paper prints from the records of the Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia (including colour prints).
$1.75 per page
4. Mailing
To deliver copies of records by mail.
$2.90 per envelope
5. Electronic Meets Service
For participating in the electronic meets service provided by the Authority for a multi-party submission of electronic applications, instruments, plans, plan applications, returns or other documents under the Land Title Act.
$23.85 per participant
6. Non-Sufficient Funds Cheques and Pre-authorized Debits
To process a cheque, or a pre- authorized debit initiated via myLTSA, that is returned unpaid due to non-sufficient funds or any other reason.
$39.70 per returned item
7. Replacement Direct Access Card
To replace a lost card.
8. Mineral Title Survey Plan Confirmation
Review and examination by the Surveyor General of a plan resulting from a full or partial survey of a mineral title if the plan is prepared:
(a) other than pursuant to a requirement
under the Mineral Tenure Act; and
(b) for purposes of filing it in the Crown
Land Registry.
1 to 10 cells or claims, inclusive – $775.23

11 to 20 cells or claims, inclusive – $1,705.51

21 to 30 cells or claims, inclusive – $3,411.00

31 or more cells or claims –


9. Mineral Title Infrastructure Survey Plan
Review and examination by the Surveyor General of a plan resulting from a survey of infrastructure works associated with a mineral title if the plan is prepared for purposes of filing it in the Crown Land Registry.
$504.63 per plan
10. Filings under Real Estate
Development Marketing Act
(1) In this item 10, “assignment” means an assignment, as defined in Part 2.1 of the Real Estate Development Marketing Act (“REDMA”), that has not previously been the subject of a filing under section 20.4(1)(a) of REDMA.
(2) For accepting on behalf of the administrator, a filing under section 20.4(1)(a) of REDMA which includes one or more assignments. $232.50 for each assignment included in the filing
(3) For accepting on behalf of the administrator, a filing under section 20.4(1) of REDMA other than a filing referred to in item 10(2).
11.    Standard Transaction Service Charge
(a)     For each electronic search or filing transaction conducted through a myLTSA pay as you go customer account. $3.30 per transaction
(b)     For each electronic search or filing transaction not conducted through a customer account.


(2) An electronic search transaction under Item 1.(1) in respect of

    a) an inspection of transparency records or search of reported

        information under section 31, 32, 33 or 34 of the Land

       Owner Transparency Act,

   b) a search of publicly accessible information under section 35,

       of the Land Owner Transparency Act, or

   c) obtaining a copy or extract of a record or information

      referred to in (2) a) or (2) b) from the administrator.

$3.30 per transaction





12.     Discounted Transaction Service Charge
a. For each electronic search or filing transaction conducted through a myLTSA prepaid customer deposit account, except those described in paragraphs b. and c. $2.00 per transaction
b. For each electronic search conducted through a myLTSA prepaid customer deposit account held by a taxation authority where the transaction is for the purposes of taxation as contemplated by s. 381(1) of the Land Title Act $1.35 per transaction
c. For each electronic search or filing transaction conducted by the provincial government.



(2) An electronic search transaction under Item 2 (1)a) in respect of

   a) an inspection of transparency records or search of reported

       information under section 31, 32, 33 or 34 of the Land

      Owner Transparency Act,

   b) a search of publicly accessible information under section 35,

      of the Land Owner Transparency Act, or

   c) obtaining a copy or extract of a record or information

      referred to in (2) a) or (2) b) from the administrator






1 Listed administrative fees do not include applicable taxes
2 Fee only applies to requests processed by LTSA employees
3 Consist of Land Title records that are not available through myLTSA, or Surveyor General records

Tax Certificates

The Tax Certificates Online service provides myLTSA Enterprise users with access to municipal tax certificates from participating cities, towns and villages in British Columbia. The service is operated by Access Point Information Canada (APIC).

Total fee is listed below for municipal tax certificates requests using the Tax Certificates Online service on myLTSA Enterprise.

*Fees as at June 17, 2024

Participating Municipality Total Fee
Abbotsford $105.05
Anmore $120.05
Armstrong $107.05
Burnaby $136.55
Campbell River $115.05
Castlegar $110.05
Central Saanich $115.05
Chase $120.05
Chetwynd $95.05
Chilliwack $115.05
Clearwater $110.05
Coldstream $110.05
Colwood $115.05
Comox $100.05
Coquitlam $120.05
Courtenay $95.05
Cranbrook $110.05
Creston $130.05
Dawson Creek $95.92
Delta $120.05
Duncan $100.05
Enderby $100.05
Esquimalt $115.05
Fernie $95.05
Fort St. James $105.05
Fort St. John $100.05
Fraser Lake $105.05
Gibsons $105.05
Gold River $115.05
Golden $105.05
Grand Forks $110.05
Hope $110.05
Kamloops $105.05
Kaslo $97.05
Kelowna $100.05
Kent $110.05
Kimberley $100.05
Kitimat $90.05
Ladysmith $105.05
Lake Country $110.05
Lake Cowichan $115.05
Langford $112.55
Langley (City) $125.05
Langley (District) $125.05
Lantzville $120.05
Lillooet $110.05
Lions Bay $115.05
Logan Lake $105.05
Lumby $110.05
Lytton $116.05
Maple Ridge $120.05
Merritt $124.05
Metchosin $100.05
Mission $115.05
Nanaimo $93.05
Nelson $115.05
New Westminster $123.05
North Cowichan $105.05
North Saanich $115.05
North Vancouver $115.05
North Vancouver (District) $125.05
Oak Bay $105.05
Oliver $106.05
Osoyoos $105.05
Parksville $105.05
Peachland $105.05
Pemberton $105.05
Penticton $95.55
Pitt Meadows $115.05
Port Alberni $105.05
Port Coquitlam $125.05
Port Hardy $110.05
Port Moody $125.05
Pouce Coupe $95.05
Powell River $107.05
Prince George $110.05
Prince Rupert $110.05
Qualicum Beach $100.05
Quesnel $115.05
Revelstoke $110.05
Richmond $126.05
Rossland $110.05
Saanich $110.05
Sechelt $110.05
Sicamous $105.05
Sidney $110.05
Smithers $110.05
Sooke $150.05
Squamish $105.05
Summerland $95.05
Sun Peaks $105.05
Surrey $126.80
Surveyor of Taxes $91.88
Taylor $105.05
Telkwa $105.05
Terrace $105.05
Trail $100.05
Tsawwassen First Nation $110.05
Ucluelet $95.05
Vancouver $135.05
Vanderhoof $95.05
Vernon $105.05
Victoria $110.05
View Royal $115.05
West Kelowna $110.05
West Vancouver $120.05
Westbank First Nation $115.05
Whistler $110.05
White Rock $130.05
Williams Lake $115.05



eStrataHub provides myLTSA Enterprise customers with access to strata document ordering. The service is operated by Access Point Information Canada (APIC).

View the document price list for eStrataHub. eStrataHub orders are subject to the myLTSA service fee.

If you have questions about eStrataHub pricing, please contact APIC customer service by phone at 1.877.953.8253 or by email at

Fee Exempt Entities

BC Government ministries, central agencies and certain government organizations are exempt from paying LTSA fees.

The myLTSA support staff administer fee-exempt accounts on the advice of the Province.

For further information, please contact the LTSA’s Customer Service Centre at 604-630-9630 in the Greater Vancouver area or 1-877-577-LTSA (5872) elsewhere in BC, Canada and the US.