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During the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency, the Province of B.C. declared LTSA as an essential service. LTSA continued to operate and customers continued filing applications, registering land title interests and searching for land information through our online systems.

The provincial state of emergency ended June 30, 2021. To help with the transition back to normal, certain LTSA orders were extended however, on September 30, 2023 the following measures have been retired:

  • Practice Bulletin 01-20: Process for Remote Witnessing of Affidavits for use in Land Title Applications which enabled legal professionals to swear land title affidavits remotely.
  • Changes to E-filing Directions for Supporting Documents which allowed a true copy instead of the original supporting document to be used for e-filing.
  • Blanket authorization of s. 49 affidavit use due to COVID medical concerns.

Though the blanket authorization of Land Title Act s.49 affidavits has been retired, practitioners may submit a request to the Registrar for the use of a Land Title Act s.49 affidavit in unique circumstances where officer certification is not possible. Submissions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Though unrelated to the retirement of COVID measures, remote witnessing of Enduring Powers of Attorney, which was made permanent by s.17.1 of the Power of Attorney Act, remains in effect. Read Practice Bulletin 02-11 Enduring Powers of Attorney for practice guidance regarding land title requirements for enduring powers of attorney that have been remotely witnessed under the alternative witnessing processes and are to be used for land title purposes.

LTSA front counter services are open by appointment only. Visit our Contact Us page for more information on how to book an in-person appointment, email or speak to a customer service representative over the phone.