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Front Counters Open By Appointment Only Alert Level: LOW

Please be aware that LTSA’s Land Title Office front counters are open 9 am – 3 pm, Monday to Friday by appointment only. Many common transactions are now available online. To book an in-person visit, contact 1-877-577-LTSA (5872) .

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Key business initiatives and achievements delivered to support this objective include:

First Nation Land Governance Registry

LTSA has been collaborating with the First Nations Lands Advisory Board and Resource Centre (LAB) to develop a new independent national land registry that will be governed by First Nations. This will provide reliable and trustworthy land-related systems and information to support First Nations who have land codes and wish to use these services to self-manage the governance, management, protection, and development of First Nation lands. During the year, LTSA and LAB completed further work on a solution, confirmed funding from the Federal Government and initiated development of the registry technology.

The new land governance registry will replace the First Nation Land Registry operated by Indigenous Services Canada with a modern, reliable First Nation governed and operated land registry system. The registry will benefit Nations who are operating under the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management and will empower Nations to better advance economic and social development through the establishment of a comprehensive interest based registry, improved registration, search and information products based on user needs. LTSA is also working in an advisory capacity in creation of a new First Nation authority, sharing experience in operating registry solutions and developing a supportive regulatory framework under the Framework Agreement on First Nations Land Management Act.

The First Nation Land Governance Registry reflects LTSA’s commitment to implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act and supports reconciliation with First Nations. LTSA has been openly sharing its experience in operating land registries in BC and sharing its expertise in governance, policy support and operational efficiency.

Land and Property Data Services

LTSA is well positioned to solve specific needs for key stakeholder groups, with a focus on items that improve transparency and efficiency in the real property market. This could include services on behalf of the Province of British Columbia, local governments, public sector entities as well as other stakeholders who participate in the real property market.

LTSA currently provides a variety of data services for government partners (including municipal, provincial, other agencies) such as:

  • aggregated land title updates;
  • customized data queries; and
  • automated decision-making.

LTSA provides services to real estate boards in British Columbia which provide real estate professionals with a map-based service that helps them retrieve, export, and visualize real estate data in British Columbia. Consumers benefit from having comprehensive property information, helping them make informed real estate decisions. This year, continued enhancements to the service included new functionality related to:

  • Transit-Oriented Development Areas layer, based on Transit-Oriented Development Area policy implemented by the Province of BC in 2023. The layer supports real estate professionals in identifying property that falls within the radii designated for higher density development per the new policy; and
  • Census Metropolitan Area and Census Agglomeration Layer from Statistics Canada which provides information to help members better understand the changing real estate landscape.

ParcelMap BC

Since its inception in 2017, ParcelMap BC has been adopted by 136 organizations, including municipal governments, utilities and provincial agencies, and is now considered to be the province’s ‘common canvas’ for geospatial data. LTSA continues to make ongoing updates to the cadastral fabric within two days of receiving changes, ensuring ParcelMap BC remains current. This year, LTSA continued work to update ParcelMap BC’s technology system, enabling new capabilities to support land data initiatives. ParcelMap BC supported LTSA’s work to ensure information about Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) is documented in the land title register. Information about the boundaries of the ALR is accessible through ParcelMap BC.