As the trusted and definitive source of land and property information in BC, the LTSA works in the public interest to offer products and services that increase transparency, security and accessibility of land title and survey systems and land-related information. These systems and the information they contain are an essential underpinning to BC’s private property market, the civil justice system and also support civic governance, taxation and Crown land management frameworks.
In collaboration with the Province, LTSA safeguards the legislative framework for BC’s land title and survey systems and contemplates disaster recovery requirements, such as providing advice on surveys and boundary matters related to climate emergencies or natural disasters.
There are a range of products and services offered or administered by LTSA which operate in the public interest and provide British Columbians with access and transparency to land-related information including the Land Owner Transparency Registry, Condo and Strata Assignment Integrity Registry, and consolidated real estate data through Autoprop, the latter of which is used extensively by real estate professionals to fulfill due diligence.

LTSA conducts a range of activities to strengthen our relationships with stakeholder, customers and other group impacted by our activities
Customer Outreach and Engagement
LTSA conducts a range of activities to strengthen our relationships with stakeholder, customers and other group impacted by our activities, both providing them with information and updates about LTSA activities as well as seeking their feedback to help us incorporate their needs into our products and services. Outreach and engagement activities include regular newsletters, online and social media content, a webinar program, workshop sessions and attendance at industry events to connect with customers. Our customer support teams provide an ongoing feedback channel for customers and members of the public, and an account management strategy supports ongoing relationship development with all customer segments.
Customer Relationship Health Survey
The annual Customer Relationship Health Survey is one of several tools the LTSA uses to gauge customer outreach and engagement. The survey, administered by an independent consultancy, is completed by customers who have recently interacted with LTSA and is the source of the Customer Experience measure which provides a benchmark rating for customer-facing activity. For 2022/23, the Customer Experience measure was 79%, indicating the percentage of respondents who indicated their overall experience with LTSA was either very good or excellent.