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Front Counters Open By Appointment Only Alert Level: LOW

Please be aware that LTSA’s Land Title Office front counters are open 9 am – 3 pm, Monday to Friday by appointment only. Many common transactions are now available online. To book an in-person visit, contact 1-877-577-LTSA (5872) .

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Historic Records Descriptions and Glossary

Absolute Fees Book

These bound volumes record the registration particulars of an absolute fee land transaction. The absolute fee registration system was used before adoption of the Torrens system. The absolute fee register was closed to new entries in 1921and any live absolute fee titles have been converted to indefeasible electronic titles.

Absolute Fee Charge Books, also known as Charge Books

These bound volumes set out the registration particulars for charges against land held under absolute fee title.They still contain some active undersurface charges that were granted before 1921.

Absolute Fees Parcel Book

Documents parcel descriptions relating to absolute fee land transactions. For some parcels, a small colour sketch is affixed to the register page.


Documents applications for a land title transaction, including the registration of charges, absolute fees, and indefeasible fee transfers.

Bylaw Plans

Documents the filing of plans relating to municipal bylaws.

Certificates of Indefeasible Title

A title certifying that a party is registered as the indefeasible fee owner of a parcel of land, subject to any listed charges and subject to certain statutory exceptions.

Charge Parcels Book

Documents parcel descriptions relating to land referred to in the registration of a charge. For some parcels, a small colour sketch is affixed to the register page.

Church Property Plans

Plans that are filed relating to church property.


Handwritten copies of a conveyance of a parcel of land between two parties. For some parcels, a small colour sketch is affixed to the register page.

Crown Grant Documents

Documents conveying land from the provincial and federal Crown. Crown grant documents often include a colour sketch.

Deeds Deposited

Documents the filing of deeds in support of a land title transaction.

Documents Filed

Records the filing of documents in support of a land title transaction.

Documents Filed Plans

Records the filing of plans in support of documents.

General Plan Series

Generally fee simple and charge plans. In some offices, separate series have also been maintained for Bylaw Plans, Official Survey Plans, Posting Plans, Reference Plans, and Right of Way Plans. Beginning in 1965 in New Westminster Land Title Office and later in other offices, the various plan series were combined into one numeric sequence, with the exception of Strata Plans that remain a separate series.

Highway Plans

Documents the filing of plans relating to highways. Victoria Land Title Office filed Highway Plans in the Right of Way Plan Series.

Indian Reserve Plans

Documents the filing of plans relating to Indian Reserves.

Indefeasible Fee Books

By 1921, most indefeasible titles were in the indefeasible title format known today.  Before 1921, they were recorded in the Indefeasible Fee Books, similar to the Absolute Fee Books.

Key Plans

Maintaining an unofficial overview of the root descriptions of lands granted by the provincial Crown. Key Plans were unofficial sketch plans created between approximately 1916 and 1946 that provided an overview of some of the “root” or “primary” districts of lands that were conveyed by Crown grant. Generally, Key Plans were not created for lands conveyed through other types of grants such as railway or Dominion grants. The Key Plans were used internally by land title staff to scale only the first subdivisions out of the primary parcels.  Since each land title plan is filed independently and shows only the immediately surrounding geography, Key Plans could be useful to examiners to obtain an unofficial overview of the larger area.

Official Survey Plans

Documents the filing of plans resulting from Official Surveys.

Posting Plans

Documents the filing of posting plans that redefine surveyors’ monuments.

Railway and Foreshore Plans

Documents the filing of railway and foreshore plans.

Railway Plans

Documents the filing of railway plans.

Record of Agreements and Miscellaneous Instruments

Handwritten copies of agreements and miscellaneous documents relating to land transactions. For some parcels, a small colour sketch is affixed to the register page.

Record of Conveyances

Handwritten copies of a conveyance of a parcel of land between two parties.

Record of Mortgages

Handwritten copies of a mortgage relating to a parcel of land.

Reference and Explanatory Plans

Documents the filing of reference and explanatory plans.

Reference Plans

Documents the filing of reference plans that are based upon a survey to define a parcel, but excluding subdivision plans.

Register of Absolute Fees

Documents the registration of title to land by absolute fee.

Register of Charges

Documents the registration of a charge against a parcel of land.

Register of Indefeasible Fees

Documents the registration of title to land by indefeasible fee.

Register of Mortgages

Documents the registration of a mortgage against a parcel of land.

Right of Way and Easement Plans

Documents the filing of statutory right of way and easement plans.

Right of Way Plans

Documents the filing of statutory right of way plans.

Satisfaction Book

Documents the release of a mortgage or other charge against a parcel of land.

Strata Plans

Documents the filing of strata plans.

Subdivision Plans

Documents the filing of subdivision plans.

Supplemental Charge Book

Documents the registration of a supplemental charge against a parcel of land.

Supplemental Charges Parcels Book

Documents parcel descriptions relating to land referred to in the registration of a supplemental charge.

Title Delivery Books

Prior to electronic title, each title consisted of a paper original retained in the Land Title Office (LTO) and the “duplicate” title that was issued to an owner upon request and subject to s. 195 of the Land Title Act. When paper titles were typed, the process included the original as well as a carbon copy that was known as the “duplicate”. The title numbers were entered in the Title Delivery Books consecutively. The date the title was created would be entered, and if the duplicate title was issued to an owner or their agent, the date and the name of the individual to whom it was issued would be recorded in an adjacent column. When the duplicate title was returned to the LTO, that date was recorded.