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Front Counters Open By Appointment Only Alert Level: LOW

Please be aware that LTSA’s Land Title Office front counters are open 9 am – 3 pm, Monday to Friday by appointment only. Many common transactions are now available online. To book an in-person visit, contact 1-877-577-LTSA (5872) .

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SurveyHub – 100 Day Update

More than 150 land title submissions have been prepared in SurveyHub with about 30% of land surveyors consistently using the new workspace weekly since it was released in November 2024.

Alex Gorelik BC Land Surveyor said, “It’s great to see us moving to web applications for these tasks. It is much more seamless to submit datasets and create DSPLs and SPCs all in one spot.”  After having used the workspace only a few times, BC Land Surveyor Aaron Shufletoski noted “SurveyHub is just another example of how LTSA remains on the forefront of technological assisted customer service that is useful, intuitive and aids in ensuring proper registration with improved communication between the land surveyor and other professionals.”

Many land surveyors and their staff attended well-received training webinars in December 2024 and January 2025.  For those who missed the sessions or are looking for a refresher, resources are available.  In addition, review the tips below to leverage the most out of this new tool.

Pro Tips for Land Surveyors

  • SurveyHub always generates an Application to Deposit Plan (DSPL) form to go with the signed Survey Plan Certification form (SPC) that can be shared with the lawyer to complete and sign electronically. DSPL forms created in SurveyHub benefit from auto-filled fields and pre-populated signature blocks from plan statements, reducing duplicate data entry prone to errors and ensuring comprehensive submission packages.
  • Land surveyors can email legal professionals directly from SurveyHub with the option of adding a custom message before sending. They can also download and email the documents offline as they do today.
  • Using the variation feature for version control reduces data entry, saving time and ensuring accuracy of the final submission.

Pro Tips for Legal Professionals 

With the introduction of a SurveyHub for the exclusive use of land surveyors, the process used by land surveyors to send the plan and related documentation to legal professionals to submit remains mostly unchanged, although there are a few modifications:

  • The plan and plan application can be emailed to legal professionals just as they are today however land surveyors may choose to email directly from “myLTSA SurveyHub” instead of their email address. Keep an eye out for these notifications coming from myLTSA.
  • An auto-generated plan application will always accompany the plan (as a reminder, “plan” refers to the Survey Plan Certification (SPC) form and the accompanying plan image).
  • Legal professionals may see pre-populated data fields in the Application to Deposit Plan (DSPL) form, and auto-generated approval signature statements and signature blocks. SurveyHub functionality auto-generates the approval signature statements and signature blocks in the DSPL via the existence of corresponding notations on the plan.
  • Forms generated in SurveyHub will be labelled “created in SurveyHub”.
  • It is highly encouraged to use the forms created in SurveyHub to take advantage of pre-populated data fields, and with enhanced version control and tracking functionality, it is easier to avoid depositing the incorrect version of the plan with the submission. Ultimately, it’s about minimizing data entry and reducing defects.

In addition, and applicable to forms in SurveyHub and on, there is a:

  • New certification statement on the Application to Deposit Plan (DSPL) that will allow supporting documents to be appended without the need to be attached to a separate Declaration form.
  • New drop-down selection for Surveyor General approval of survey plans on titled and untitled Crown land. A modification has been made to the Surveyor General approval block which previously was only used for SRW plans over Crown land, to now include subdivision, reference, explanatory and SRW etc. plans over Crown land.

Updated policy, practice and system help is available online at and

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