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Front Counters Open By Appointment Only Alert Level: LOW

Please be aware that LTSA’s Land Title Office front counters are open 9 am – 3 pm, Monday to Friday by appointment only. Many common transactions are now available online. To book an in-person visit, contact 1-877-577-LTSA (5872) .

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LTSA Partners with the Lands Advisory Board to Support the Development of the First Nation Land Governance Registry

Since 2019, the Land Title & Survey Authority of BC (LTSA) has been working with the Lands Advisory Board (LAB) to develop a strategy and implementation plan for a new land registry for First Nations operating under the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management (Framework Agreement) in Canada.

This September LTSA and LAB met to continue their relationship and planning for the registry, marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two organizations outlining the next phase of work required to develop the registry.

The First Nation Land Governance Registry (FNLGR) will provide a modern, secure, and dependable land registry system for over 100 First Nations across Canada that are currently governing their lands under their own land codes developed according to the Framework Agreement. The government of Canada has committed to provide funding to support the development of the FNLGR.

“LTSA is looking forward to continuing our long-standing relationship with the Lands Advisory Board to co-develop a shared, comprehensive, trusted, sustainable and independent First Nations registry. We are committed to helping realize First Nations’ goals for self-determination and the governance of First Nations’ lands,” says Al-Karim Kara, President and CEO of LTSA.

“The First Nation Land Governance Registry will be a strong, independent First Nation led registry. I am thankful and delighted that this essential piece of First Nations infrastructure will be another great example of what can be achieved when First Nations re-establish control over their lands,” said Chief Robert Louie, Lands Advisory Board Chairman.

Al-Karim Kara, President & CEO of LTSA, Chief Robert Louie, LAB Board Chairman, and Robert Simmons, LTSA Board Chair, sign a Memorandum of Understanding between LAB and LTSA to continue work on developing the First Nation Land Governance Registry.

About the Lands Advisory Board and the Framework Agreement

The Lands Advisory Board was created to support First Nations to resume jurisdiction over reserve lands and resources. The Lands Advisory Board is comprised of an elected Chairman and regionally elected Directors, determined by the Councils of the signatory First Nations who have formally established their land codes.

The Framework Agreement was developed to provide recognition for First Nations’ Inherent Right to govern their reserve lands. The Framework Agreement includes a growing number of communities across Canada who are interested in replacing the lands restrictions of the Indian Act with the legal framework developed in a community land code.

About the Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia (LTSA)

LTSA is a publicly accountable, statutory corporation responsible for operating BC’s land title and survey systems and other land-related registries, providing a foundation for BC’s private property market and the civil justice system.

LTSA is working to achieve a real property market that is trusted and transparent. With an innovative approach and current technologies, LTSA has become a world leader in the delivery of modern land title and survey systems including extensive development of online services and automated registration.

Media Contacts

Lands Advisory Board:

John Makson
Senior Public Relations Advisor


Land Title and Survey Authority of BC:

Janice Fraser
Acting Director, Communications
778 875 3809


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