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Front Counters Open By Appointment Only Alert Level: LOW

Please be aware that LTSA’s Land Title Office front counters are open 9 am – 3 pm, Monday to Friday by appointment only. Many common transactions are now available online. To book an in-person visit, contact 1-877-577-LTSA (5872) .

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LTSA Systems Unavailable on July 8 and 9, 2023

To provide ongoing improvements to LTSA systems, an extended period of maintenance will begin at 7:00am Saturday, July 8 and conclude by 11:00pm on Sunday, July 9.

During this weekend period, myLTSA and ParcelMap BC will be unavailable including land title, Surveyor General, and Land Owner Transparency Registry (LOTR) searches and applications.

We encourage customers to complete any time-sensitive work in myLTSA or ParcelMap BC by Friday, July 7, as these systems will not be available again until Monday, July 10.

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