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Front Counters Open By Appointment Only Alert Level: LOW

Please be aware that LTSA’s Land Title Office front counters are open 9 am – 3 pm, Monday to Friday by appointment only. Many common transactions are now available online. To book an in-person visit, contact 1-877-577-LTSA (5872) .

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Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for myLTSA Accounts

Earlier this year, LTSA introduced multi-factor authentication (MFA) to all myLTSA accounts. MFA is a security enhancement that requires more than a password to access an account. myLTSA customers can select a preferred MFA method – email, text message or authentication app – to receive a verification code. An optional backup method, should the primary method be inaccessible, can also be set up.

MFA was rolled out in phases with a transition period to support a seamless migration for customers. After September 12, MFA will be mandatory and cannot be skipped.

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