Claim of Builders Lien on Title
To check if your title has a Claim of Builders Lien on it, you may order a copy of the title from LTSA by registering for an LTSA Explorer (single user) account and doing a title search for a fee.
If legal proceedings are not taken within one year, the Claim of Builders Lien can be cancelled and removed from title by submitting a Form 17. The nature of interest on Form 17 must say ‘Claim of Builders Lien by Effluxion of Time’ and include the registration number of the charge to be removed.
In cases where payment is received or a settlement reached, a Claim of Builders Lien is cancelled by completing a Form C under the Land Title Act.
Legal advice is recommended when dealing with any type of lien on title. If you have questions about who can file a claim of builders lien, consult the Builders Lien Act.
Access the online application to file a Claim of Builders Lien.