Our Mandate
Formed in 2005, the Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia (LTSA) is a publicly accountable statutory corporation responsible for operating the land title and survey systems of BC. These systems provide the foundation for all real property business and ownership in the province.
LTSA delivers secure land titles through timely and efficient registration of land title interests and survey records. These services are an essential underpinning to BC’s real property market and the civil justice system, and to BC’s civic governance, taxation and Crown land management frameworks.
The Province of BC establishes the mandate, responsibilities and performance standards of LTSA under the Land Title and Survey Authority Act, and an Operating Agreement that enables us to carry on other necessary or advisable activities related to improving the real property market in the public interest.
Specifically, as outlined in the Act, the purpose of LTSA is to:
- Manage, operate and maintain the land title and survey systems of British Columbia;
- Facilitate the execution of Crown grants;
- Manage, operate and maintain a land title system for a First Nation under a FNCIDA agreement;
- Carry on other necessary or advisable activities related to land title or survey systems; and
- Carry on necessary or advisable activities contemplated under the Land Owner Transparency Act related to the administration of that Act and its regulations including, without limitation, managing, operating and maintaining the Land Owner Transparency Registry.
LTSA Services
In accordance with our mandate, LTSA delivers three primary services:
- Land Title Registration
Ensure the continued integrity of BC’s system for registering land titles and interests in land such as mortgages and other charges. Our world-leading system provides conclusive evidence of title that is backed by an Assurance Fund in the unlikely event of a registration error. - Land Survey Standards and Approvals
Maintain the quality of BC’s land survey structure, including:- Work with land survey professionals to approve legal survey plans for public and private lands.
- Address property boundary issues.
- Crown Grants
Transfer Crown land into private ownership when requested to do so by the Province and upon their direction.
LTSA also administers and operates the Land Owner Transparency Registry to record indirect interests in land. We continually collaborate with the Province to maintain BC’s various land-related enactments and the administration of legal frameworks for BC’s land title and survey systems.
Our subsidiary, LandSure Systems Ltd. (Landsure), supports us to continually innovate and improve delivery of services in the public interest. LandSure builds the systems and solutions that provide certainty around real property business and ownership in the province. LandSure services include:
- Business Development and Analysis
- Product Management
- User Experience
- Research and Development
- Systems Infrastructure Management
- Project Management
- Parcel Fabric Management
- Technical Support
As outlined in the Land Title and Survey Authority Act and the Operating Agreement, LTSA is accountable to users of BC’s land title and survey systems. Accountability and transparency are achieved through various means, including:
- Five- and ten-year provincial reviews of LTSA’s operational performance
- Public release of a three-year Business Plan
- Public right of access to all business plans and key policies and decisions
- Public release of an Annual Report that outlines performance, achievements, and audited financial statements
- Annual general meeting open to anyone who wishes to attend and raise any questions
- Regulated safeguards for how LTSA service fees are established and how revenue is spent
- Statutory procedures for appointing LTSA Board of Directors and qualification criteria for Directors
- Establishment of an independent Stakeholder Advisory Committee to advise on operational questions
- Adoption of public complaints procedure
- Adherence to Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act requirements
LTSA is designated as a public body for the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and is subject to the Ombudsperson Act. View LTSA Governance.
LTSA Business Model
LTSA operations are self-funded through regulated service fee revenue from provisioning land title and survey services and other LTSA account services. Service fees are established in compliance with the Operating Agreement with the Province.
Net earnings, achieved through prudent financial management, continue to be re-invested in the business to achieve land title and survey objectives in the public interest.
LTSA Strategy and Business Plans
The mission of the LTSA is to deliver innovative and trusted expertise and reliable land-related registries, survey systems, and information to support the economy. For more information on our strategy and business plans, please visit our Strategy and Business Plans page.