Direction 3: Surveyor General Division Fees When Survey Performed at the Direction of Government
Direction to Land Surveyors No. 3 (Updated November 25, 2024)
This Direction to British Columbia Land Surveyors updates the Direction on this subject posted to the LTSA website dated October 30, 2023. Updates have been made to acknowledge survey plan preparation methods now available through SurveyHub.
A majority of plans over Crown land are subject to Surveyor General Operations Examination Fees (fees), as shown in the LTSA Fee Schedule.
In certain instances, plan submission is fee exempt. When the land surveyor is not responsible for payment of fees, it is important to complete the Survey Plan Submission to Surveyor General (CLRS) Form or Surveyor General Application and Plan Submission Web Filing form in accordance with the Direction outlined below.
Most plans over Crown land are prepared to facilitate the disposition of Crown land, and documented through an Offer made by the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (WLRS). Where a survey comes about from an Offer made by WLRS, the land surveyor is responsible for the payment of fees.
However, if a survey and resultant plan are contracted directly by the Crown or by a contractor working on behalf of a government ministry, the plan submission is fee exempt.
If you require clarification about any fees payable, please contact a Deputy Surveyor General.
When fees are not payable, it is important to complete the CLRS or Surveyor General Application and Plan Submission Web Filing form in accordance with these requirements:
In SurveyHub:
- On the “Assemble Plan” page:
- Select the name of the government ministry requesting the survey in the “Agency Name” drop-down menu. If the name is not available in the drop-down menu, select “other” and type it in in the box below.
- In the Explanatory Notes section, indicate the plan was prepared under contract with the applicable provincial ministry, provide a contact name and state that the plan is not subject to fees; or
- If the plan was prepared at the request of a contractor working on behalf of a government ministry, provide the contractor’s name and contact information and indicate that the plan is not subject to fees.
- On the “Certify Plan” page:
- Ensure that the SurveyHub checkbox “This is a fee-exempt BC government application” is checked;
- Accept Warning pop-up box by clicking “Yes”
An example of a SurveyHub plan assembly completed in accordance with the above requirements is provided below:

If you are preparing the CLRS form outside of SurveyHub:
- Ensure that the “Deduct LTSA Fees?” box in section 1 of the Form is not checked;
- Select the name of the government ministry requesting the survey, in section 6 of the CLRS Form, from the drop-down menu. If the name is not available in the drop-down menu it can be typed in;
- In the Explanatory Notes section on the Form, indicate the plan was prepared under contract with the applicable provincial ministry, provide a contact name and state that the plan is not subject to fees; or
- If the plan was prepared at the request of a contractor working on behalf of a government ministry, provide the contractor’s name and contact information and indicate that the plan is not subject to fees.
An example of a CLRS Form completed in accordance with the above requirements is provided below:
For Surveyor General Web Filing Applications:
Note: There are certain application and plan types that are not subject to a statutory fee. The fee-exempt checkbox is not viewable on submissions that do not require fees.
- Select the appropriate application under the “Application or Plan Type” dropdown list;
- Ensure that the Web Filing checkbox “This is a fee-exempt BC government application” is checked;
- Accept Warning pop-up box by clicking “Yes”
- Select the name of the government ministry requesting the survey, from the “Agency Name” drop down menu. If the name is not available in the drop-down menu, select “Other” and it can be typed in;
- In the Explanatory Notes section on the Web Filing Form, indicate the plan was prepared under contract with the applicable provincial ministry, provide a contact name and state that the plan is not subject to fees; or
- If the plan was prepared at the request of a contractor working on behalf of a government ministry, provide the contractor’s name and contact information and indicate that the plan is not subject to fees.
An example of a Surveyor General Application and Plan Submission in Web Filing completed in accordance with the above requirements is provided below:

Yours truly,
Dave Swaile, BCLS, CLS
Senior Deputy Surveyor General