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Front Counters Open By Appointment Only Alert Level: LOW

Please be aware that LTSA’s Land Title Office front counters are open 9 am – 3 pm, Monday to Friday by appointment only. Many common transactions are now available online. To book an in-person visit, contact 1-877-577-LTSA (5872) .

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A Survey Plan Dataset Submissions Tutorial is available for your assistance. Refer to the Tips and Tricks for Survey Plan Dataset Creation help page for more technical support.

Mandatory Submission

The submission of survey plan datasets by British Columbia land surveyors via an LTSA Enterprise account is mandatory as of June 15, 2016.

Submitted survey plan datasets are used to:

  1. Integrate newly surveyed parcels and geo-referenced points with the ParcelMap BC parcel fabric
  2. Improve the overall spatial accuracy of the ParcelMap BC fabric

The Surveyor General of British Columbia has issued the finalized directive instructing land surveyors on submitting datasets titled Practice Bulletin No. 3: Surveyor General’s Requirements for the Submission of a Survey Plan Dataset to Support ParcelMap BC with an effective date of September 1, 2016. The bulletin has been reviewed by the Land Surveyors Advisory Task Force, the Board of the Association of British Columbia Land Surveyors (ABCLS), and the ABCLS Practice Advisory Manager.

Exemption from Submission of Survey Plan Datasets

The Surveyor General will consider an exemption from strict compliance to submitting a survey plan dataset upon request.

To request an exemption:

  • Land surveyors should provide the Surveyor General with the request and rationale well in advance of the plan being filed in the land title register or the Crown land registry.
  • Complete an application for exemption (form updated October 18, 2016).
  • File a completed application for exemption by email to

Datasets are not required for plans listed in section 6 of Practice Bulletin No. 3.


Specifications for Survey Plan Datasets (updated February 23, 2016) were prepared with the participation of the Land Surveyors Advisory Task Force with input from the ABCLS Practice Advisory Department and Board.

Sample survey plan datasets illustrating the specifications have been prepared for reference and include:

  • DWG file (1): the sample’s survey data CAD file component
  • DXF file (1): Provided for compatibility with older CAD software
  • CSV file (1): the sample’s survey data control point file component
  • PDF files (3): illustrating different components of the survey plan and dataset
  • TXT file (1): describing the contents of the package

Sample 1: Subdivision Plan [.ZIP] (Land Title Act) (Updated May 1, 2017)
Sample 2: Reference Plan of Easement [.ZIP] (Land Title Act) (Updated January 12, 2016)