Webinar Resources
LTSA periodically runs live, one-hour webinars designed for legal professionals who prepare and submit land title applications. In these sessions, participants learn best practices for completing packages and gain insights into how LTSA receives, processes and registers applications. To register for upcoming webinars, visit Upcoming Events.
Webinar recordings and presentation decks can be accessed below.
Land Title Webinars
Fundamentals of Land Title Applications: Form A, B, C (Release), and Title Walk Through
In this webinar, you will learn about the most common forms (A, B, C (Release)), Natures of Interest, Corrective Declarations, and Capacity. A review of a sample title will connect the information submitted in a land title package to what appears on title. With this foundational knowledge, viewers will be able to prepare registrable land title packages easily and accurately, leading to quicker processing times.
Understanding the Land Title Application Form C (Charge)
The Form C (Charge) covers a wide range of charge types, each requiring specific information. In this session, learn what examiners look for when reviewing an application. Several Natures of Interest will be explored to illustrate this Form’s requirements. After attending this session, participants will better understand the variations of Form C (Charge) in order to submit applications more accurately and quickly.
Land Title Application Help Resources
Overwhelmed by the vast amount of reference material when searching for policy or practice guidance? In this session, we will cover Legislation, Directions, Bulletins, Manuals, Guides, and more. With a better understanding of the resources available, participants will be able to quickly find answers to their land title questions.
All About Land Title Defects
Learn about common errors that lead to defects, how validation messages can help minimize the likelihood of receiving a defect, and how to handle a defect should you receive one.
Minimizing Turnaround Time for Land Title Applications
In this webinar, you will learn how land title applications are reviewed by LTSA and what you can do to ensure your submission is processed without delay.
Introduction to Survey Plan Submissions: Part 1 - Examination of charge plans – The basics
This two-part series is primarily intended for legal professionals who submit survey plan packages, though all LTSA customers are welcome to attend. Land surveyors, in particular, may wish to register to discover how the material they provide to legal professionals (pre-submission) is incorporated in the final package. Equipped with this foundational knowledge, survey plan submissions should be easier to prepare with fewer defects leading to faster registration and an overall preferable filing experience.
Part 1 – Examination of charge plans – The basics
In this session, learn what examiners look for when examining common charge plan packages. Road dedication plans and the difference between reference and explanatory plans will be covered in addition to avoiding common defects.
Introduction to Survey Plan Submissions: Part 2 – Subdivision and fee simple plans – The basics
This two-part series is primarily intended for legal professionals who submit survey plan packages, though all LTSA customers are welcome to attend. Land surveyors, in particular, may wish to register to discover how the material they provide to legal professionals (pre-submission) is incorporated in the final package. Equipped with this foundational knowledge, survey plan submissions should be easier to prepare with fewer defects leading to faster registration and an overall preferable filing experience.
Part 2 – Subdivision and fee simple plans – The basics
Building on the information provided in Part 1, this session will detail the journey of a subdivision plan, and step through real-life scenarios to highlight what to consider when preparing a submission. We will cover natural boundaries, common ownership concepts as well as explain the proper order that documents and plans should be packaged. To help avoid defects, we will review what an examiner considers when reviewing your plan package and provide examples of common defects involving subdivision plans.
Estates, Trusts and Powers of Attorney
The objective of this course is for participants to learn best practices for completing packages and gain insights into how LTSA receives, processes and registers applications.
In this webinar, examination points associated with applications related to estates, including Transmission to Personal Representatives and transfers out of an estate pursuant to the Wills, Estates and Succession Act (WESA) will be covered. It will be followed by a review of basic requirements when transferring property to or from trusts in accordance with Section 180 of the Land Title Act. Finally, examination points for powers of attorney, and how to void common defects will be covered.
Caveats, Certificates of Pending Litigation (CPLs) and Court Orders
Submission requirements for registering and releasing caveats and Certificates of Pending Litigation (CPLs) will be reviewed in addition to the implications of having these instruments on title. A summary of what examiners look for when processing court orders will also be covered.
Dealings with Easements, Restrictive Covenants and Right of First Refusal
Building on the registration requirements for easements covered in the Understanding the Land Title Application Form C (Charge) webinar, this session will cover submissions related to easements, restrictive covenants and rights of first refusal, with a focus on examination review of releases, partial releases and waivers.
LOTR Webinars
Understanding the Land Owner Transparency Act (LOTA)
The Land Owner Transparency Registry (LOTR) is a registry of information about individuals who are deemed to have an indirect interest in land (e.g. through corporations, trusts and partnerships) which will be housed in a searchable, public database. LTSA maintains LandTransparency.ca as a key resource for information about LOTR.
This session is designed for intermediate/advanced level professionals working in the area of real estate who are seeking an in-depth understanding of LOTA and contextual considerations when filing on behalf of a reporting body. The Law Society of BC has approved this webinar for 1.5 credits.
Land Owner Transparency Registry Filing Requirements & Ongoing Obligations Webinar
Designed for professionals who prepare and submit to the Land Owner Transparency Registry (LOTR) this course will advance customer knowledge, reduce LOTR filing errors, and encourage self-help through online resources. Learn how to file transparency declarations and reports, applications to correct information (s.42), applications to omit information (s.40) and notices to the administrator (s. 17.1). Review ongoing filing obligations and find resources for policy, practice and system functionality.
2024 Update on LOTR Filings and LOTA
This webinar is designed for legal professionals who prepare a variety of applications requiring LOTR filings. The presentation steps through Land Owner Transparency Act (LOTA) amendments that took effect on November 20, 2023 including: the ability to correct a transparency declaration; the demystification of partial interest ownership filings, and a summary of other minor changes to LOTA. Impacts to LOTR filings when land is subdivided, changes to Public Search, available resources, how to avoid common filing errors, and other essential tips will also be covered.
Who should attend?
This course was designed for paralegals, legal assistants, lawyers notaries and other professionals who prepare and submit to the Land Owner Transparency Registry (LOTR). The objective of this course is to advance customer knowledge, reduce LOTR filing errors, and encourage self-help through available online resources.
Web Filing Webinars
The introduction of Web Filing forms is one of several steps towards streamlining land title submissions, increasing efficiency and accuracy, and maintaining a secure and reliable electronic filing system.
Attend a live webinar on Web Filing to see a demonstration of the system changes and capabilities. An opportunity to ask questions about Web Filing follows the live presentation.
Introduction to Web Filing
The introduction of Web Filing forms is one of several steps towards streamlining land title submissions, increasing efficiency and accuracy, and maintaining a secure and reliable electronic filing system. Attend this live webinar to see a demonstration of Web Filing capabilities. An opportunity to ask questions about Web Filing follows the presentation.
Web Filing Pro Tips
LTSA Enterprise account Pro Tips: search, Scan on Demand, STC orders, PANs and more
This webinar is for new and veteran LTSA Enterprise (multi-user) account customers. In this session, we will share pro tips on search, Scan on Demand, STC orders and PANs (Parcel Activity Notifier). Plus, we will provide an overview of ParcelMapBC and Inbox forwarding options. Discover features and functionality to maximize usage of your account and streamline the preparation of land title packages. The 45-minute presentation is followed with 15 minutes of Q&A.