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Direction to Land Surveyors No. 12 (Updated June 12, 2023)

This Direction to British Columbia Land Surveyors updates the Direction on this subject posted on the LTSA website dated January 13, 2023. A minor update has been made to wording for Block Outline and section 58 submissions to reflect current practices.

Summary – Business Requirements

The Surveyor General has authority to adjudicate applications under several statutes and has created electronic forms to allow for the submission of these applications through myLTSA Enterprise.

The introduction in June 2020 of Web Filing applications and related plans to the Surveyor General only modified the method to submit applications. It did not change the content requirements of applications, or the LTSA’s internal practices of adjudicating them.

This paper explains the process for submitting electronic applications to the Surveyor General for the following application types:

  • Block Outline Application pursuant to s.69 of the Land Title Act
  • Application pursuant to s.70 of the Land Title Act to prepare an explanatory plan to define a Block of E&N Lands
  • Applications pursuant to s.58 of the Land Act and s.108 of the Land Title Act
  • Natural Boundary Applications pursuant to ss.94(1) and 118(1) of the Land Title Act
  • Submission of a Post Renewal Form
  • Statutory Application for Designation pursuant to ss. 218(1)(d) and 219(3)(c) of the Land Title Act

Additional information regarding these applications may be found on the LTSA website on the Submissions to Surveyor General page.

Summary – Technical Requirements

Web Filing was introduced on June 15, 2020 as a way to simplify application and related plan submissions to the Surveyor General. Instead of downloading PDF forms and filling them out in Adobe Acrobat, applications and related plan submissions are now filled out and stored online, through the myLTSA Web Filing portal (see note below for exception for CLRS submissions).

In the first phase of Web Filing, forms are submitted through myLTSA’s Electronic Filing System (EFS). Web Filing functionality will continue to be enhanced through ongoing system releases to further streamline the submission process and improve efficiency.

Exception: At this time any plan that is being submitted for filing in the Crown Land Registry will continue to use the traditional PDF Form. This means any plan that has traditionally been submitted using the Survey Plan Submission to Surveyor General (CLRS) Form will continue to use this PDF form and submit it via EFS after filling out the CLRS Form with Adobe Acrobat. Enhancements to Web Filing are anticipated in the future to incorporate these plan submissions.

In order to make a submission to the Surveyor General, a myLTSA Enterprise account is required. The creation of forms required to submit statutory applications to the Surveyor General is integrated within the myLTSA Web Filing system.  Users input application information online, using Web Filing forms. Once information is entered and validated, the appropriate final PDF Web Filing Form is generated by the myLTSA system. These completed PDF Forms can be downloaded and can also be sent directly to an application submission package in the classic EFS system for  submission to Surveyor General Operations.

Please refer to the EFS User’s Guide for information on the process of submitting an application into EFS.  Technical help specific to Web Filing can be found in the Surveyor General Practice Guide on myLTSA

The required information that must be submitted with each application package is detailed below with links to sample checklists or Circular Letters as appropriate. These sample checklists and Circular Letters are all found on the LTSA website under Surveyor General  Information.

For most application types, once preliminary approval is obtained, a plan is prepared. The Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form that must accompany a plan when submitted to the land title office for registration must first be submitted to the Surveyor General for endorsement of the appropriate certificate.

With electronic plans, all consents and approvals are obtained upon the electronic Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form which is available on the Download Form Templates page under Administration from the main navigation menu of myLTSA or on the LTSA’s website on the Land Title Forms page.

The land surveyor will have to download the DSPL Form, complete the first page of the form and append a page (or pages, as necessary) containing signature blocks for all consenters and approvers.

Boilerplates of all signature blocks, including all of those necessary for the Surveyor General’s certification, can be generated from within the DSPL Form.

When creating the DSPL Form you might not be the one to complete section 1 (Application section) if the form will be handed off to someone else to deposit. The DSPL form must be in its unsigned state when submitted to Surveyor General Operations.

Once the appropriate certificate has been endorsed by or on behalf of the Surveyor General, the signed DSPL Form will be scanned and emailed back to the applicant. Once all required consents and approvals are obtained, the plan can be submitted to the land title office for registration through EFS. Note that submission of DSPL and SPC Forms are currently not part of Web Filing and are submitted to the land title office in the traditional manner by uploading the PDF forms directly to an EFS package.

General Information about the Submission of Statutory Electronic Application Forms to Surveyor General

The information contained in the Statutory Electronic Application forms is used to auto-populate the Surveyor General Operations’ internal work manager tool. By ensuring the form is as complete as possible, it will assist Surveyor General Operations in efficiently managing and processing the application.

Submitters of electronic applications can search for and obtain the status of their applications from the Submission Dashboard in myLTSA.

When submitting an application to the Surveyor General through myLTSA, the user will enter information into Web Filing forms, which will generate the appropriate Statutory Electronic Application form. Supporting information for the application and the related electronic plan, when appropriate, may be uploaded in the Web Filing package, or alternatively may be uploaded through the traditional EFS system.

Supporting information can be uploaded as attachments within Web Filing using two different methods; the “Upload Attachments” drag and drop box in the Checklist portion of the Web Filing process or by clicking the “Upload Attachments” link at the top right of the Package View page in Web Filing. Uploaded package attachments in Web Filing will be automatically transferred to and attached to the EFS package that gets generated with the application by pressing the “Prepare Submission” button. If preferred, supporting information can also be uploaded directly within the EFS package.

Depending on the application chosen in the “Application or Plan Type” Web Filing dropdown list, there may be a Web Filing field called “Location”. The field is to contain an address, if one exists, or a brief description of the general geographic location of the subject lands an address is not applicable. An example would be: “West Arm Kootenay Lake”. There is no prescribed format for this field.

Also depending on the application chosen in the “Application or Plan Type” dropdown list, there may be fields for UTM North and East co-ordinates and the UTM Zone. The co-ordinates do not need to be survey precision and only need to identify a point within the application area that can be used by Surveyor General Operations to spatially catalogue the submission. The ParcelMap BC mapping tool may be used to determine these co-ordinates.

The Web Filing form contains fields for Agency Name and Agency File Number. These are not mandatory fields and are only required where an application has been initiated by one of the listed agencies and a file number has been assigned.

If Surveyor General Operations requests the submission of additional information to support an application, the original application form will need to be re-submitted with the additional information. Updates to the application form are made through Web Filing by opening the existing Web Filing package and making edits to it.  The Web Filing form should be updated with the addition of notes in the Explanatory Notes field to explain what new information is contained in the subsequent submission. The remainder of the information contained upon the form must remain unaltered from the original submission. When edits are complete, continue to the “Web Filing Form” page where a new Web Filing PDF form is generated.

Once a new Web Filing PDF form is generated through the Web Filing process, it will need to be downloaded (by clicking the Download button below the Web Filing Form preview) and manually re-submitted in the related EFS package originally used to submit the package. The “Prepare Submission” button should not be clicked as it will result in creating a brand new EFS package, as opposed to amending the existing package. For detailed instructions on re-submitting an application, see Submit Additional Information or a Plan Alteration to the Surveyor General.

Note that PDF application forms generated through Web Filing cannot be edited in Adobe Acrobat – the content needs to be edited within the Web Filing portal and a new PDF needs to be generated by myLTSA and downloaded.

Payment of Surveyor General Division Application Fees

Application Fees are withdrawn from the submitter’s myLTSA Enterprise deposit account when a Statutory Electronic Application form is submitted through EFS. The fees for all application types are listed on the LTSA’s fee listing. Other than for applications to use the Block Outline Method of deferred posting, fees are withdrawn at the time of the submission of an application. Fees for using the Block Outline Method of deferred posting are charged when Block Outline plans are submitted to the Surveyor General for endorsement of the appropriate certificate upon the Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form and the issuance of the Notice of Conditions of Block Outline Survey.

Where multiple statutory applications are being submitted for a single plan, only one application fee, the higher one, is charged. Accordingly, if a submitter is making an application through EFS they are to complete the appropriate Statutory Electronic Application form in Web Filing and indicate on this form, in the Explanatory Notes field, the other statutory application or applications being submitted (a common example is the submission of a s. 58 application along with a s. 94 application).

Application Types

Block Outline Application – Section 69 of the Land Title Act

Approval to use s.69 of the Land Title Act must be obtained from the Surveyor General. See Circular Letter No. 461B.

Consent to use the Block Outline method of deferred posting for the survey plan must be provided on the related Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form. A Notice of Conditions of Block Outline Survey must accompany the plan and other documents when they are submitted for land title office registration.

The Web Filing Application or Plan Type dropdown list includes three submissions associated with Block Outline Applications:

  1. An application for approval to use the Block Outline method of deferred posting.
  2. Submission of a Block Outline Plan for endorsement of the certificate by the Surveyor General on the accompanying Application to Deposit Plan at land title office (DSPL) form
  3. Submission of a Block Outline Posting Plan.


  1. Application to use the Block Outline Method of Deferred Posting
    Complete the Web Filing form, setting the Application or Plan Type dropdown list to “Block Outline Plan Application”. Once the Form is completed it is to be delivered to Surveyor General Operations through EFS. As part of Web Filing, checklists are now integrated into the Web Filing Form entry process and do not need to be submitted separately. Example checklists for Block Outline Surveys are located below. All of the required information outlined in the checklist must be submitted as part of the application.

    1. Example Web Filing Checklist: Block Outline Plan Application under s. 69(3) of the Land Title Act.
  2. Submission of a Block Outline Plan
    Once preliminary approval is granted and you have complied with any requirements of the preliminary approval, you may submit your plan that is subject to deferred posting for endorsement of the certificate on the related Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form by the Surveyor General. Complete the Web Filing form, setting the Application or Plan Type dropdown list to “Block Outline Plan”. Once the Form is completed it is to be delivered to Surveyor General Operations through EFS with the following documents:

    1. Electronic Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form which has been filled out and contains all the required owner and approval blocks but has not been digitally signed.
    2. A signed letter of undertaking in the manner prescribed by the preliminary approval letter.
    3. Digitally signed Survey Plan Certification (SPC) form and affixed survey plan image.
      Note that supporting documents can be attached to an EFS package by uploading attachments within a Web Filing application, or after Web Filing, by adding files directly in the EFS package. Upon submission of the Form, supporting documents and the plan, the Block Outline Plan examination fee will be charged to the submitter’s myLTSA Enterprise deposit account.
      After review, the signed certificate on the Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form will be scanned. This scanned image and the Notice of Conditions of Block Outline Survey will be sent to you electronically.
  3. Submission of a Block Outline Posting Plan
    After all parcel corners have been posted and a Posting Plan has been completed, you may submit the Posting Plan for endorsement of the certificate on the related Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form by the Surveyor General. Complete the Web Filing form, setting the Application or Plan Type dropdown list to “Block Outline Posting Plan”. Once the Form is completed it is to be delivered to Surveyor General Operations through EFS with the following documents:

    1. Electronic Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form which has been filled out and contains all the required approval blocks but has not been digitally signed.
    2. Digitally signed Survey Plan Certification (SPC) form and affixed survey plan image.

Note that supporting documents can be attached to an EFS package by uploading attachments within a Web Filing application, or after Web Filing, by adding files directly in the EFS package. After review, the signed certificate on the Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form will be scanned and sent to you electronically.

Application to define a Block within the E&N Land Grant – Section 70(3) Land Title Act

Approval to use s.70 of the Land Title Act to define a new Block of the E&N Lands for the purpose of raising indefeasible title must be obtained from the Surveyor General and the supporting Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form must be submitted for signature of the appropriate certificate.

Following is the process for submitting (1) an application for approval to use s.70 of the Land Title Act, and (2) the supporting Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form for endorsement of the appropriate certificate by the Surveyor General.

  1. Application to Define a Block within the E&N Land Grant
    1. An application must be made to the Surveyor General for approval to prepare an explanatory plan of a Block of unsurveyed lands in the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Company Grant Lands. Complete the Web Filing form, setting the Application or Plan Type dropdown list to “E&N Land Title Act Section 70 Application”. Once the Form is completed it is to be delivered to Surveyor General Operations through EFS.As part of Web Filing, checklists are now integrated into the Web Filing Form entry process and do not need to be submitted separately. An example checklist for E&N Land Title Act Section 70 Applications can be found below. All of the required information outlined in the checklist must be submitted as part of the application.
    2. Example Web Filing Checklist – Application for Explanatory Plan of Blocks within E&N Land Grant under s.70 of the Land Title Act
  2. Submission of the Supporting Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office Form
    Once preliminary approval is granted and you have complied with any requirements of the preliminary approval, you may submit the Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form for endorsement of the certificate by the Surveyor General. Complete the Web Filing form, setting the Application or Plan Type dropdown list to “E&N Land Title Act Section 70 Plan”. Once the Form is completed it is to be delivered to Surveyor General Operations through EFS with the following documents:

    1. Electronic Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form which has been filled out and contains all the required owner and approval blocks but has not been digitally signed.
    2. Digitally signed Survey Plan Certification (SPC) form and affixed survey plan image.

Note that supporting documents can be attached to an EFS package by uploading attachments within a Web Filing application, or after Web Filing, by adding files directly in the EFS package.

Applications pursuant to Section 58 of the Land Act and Section 108 of the Land Title Act

If doubt exists whether land is included in a Crown grant, or whether it is in the public interest that the part coloured other than in red on a Crown grant tracing need be retained by the Province, an application may be made to the Survey General under s.58 of the Land Act. Approval must be obtained from the Surveyor General and the supporting Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form must be submitted for signature of the appropriate certificate.

Under s.108(3) of the Land Title Act a land owner or their land surveyor may apply for an Exemption Order to ensure that ownership of certain lands covered by water do not revert to the Crown upon deposit of a plan in the land title office. Approval must be obtained from the Surveyor General and the supporting Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form must be submitted for signature of the appropriate certificate.

For application requirements – see Circular Letter No. 484B (s.58) or Circular Letter No. 468 (s.108).

Following is the process for submitting (1) an application for conditional approval and (2) the supporting Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form for endorsement of the appropriate certificate by the Surveyor General.

  1. Application
    An application must be made to the Surveyor General for conditional approval pursuant to s.58 of the Land Act or s.108 of the Land Title Act. Complete the Web Filing form, setting the Application or Plan Type dropdown list to “Section 58 Land Act Application” or “Section 108 Land Title Act Application”. Once the Form is completed it is to be delivered to Surveyor General Operations through EFS. As part of Web Filing, checklists are now integrated into the Web Filing Form entry process and do not need to be submitted separately. Example checklists for Section 58 Land Act and Section 108 Land Title Act Applications can be found below. All of the required information outlined in the checklist must be submitted as part of the application.

    1. Example Web Filing Checklist – Section 58 Land Act Application
    2. Example Web Filing Checklist – Section 108(3) Land Title Act Application
  2. Submission of the Supporting Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office Form
    Once preliminary approval is granted and you have complied with any requirements of the preliminary approval, you may submit the Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form for endorsement of the appropriate certificate by the Surveyor General. Complete the Web Filing form, setting the Application or Plan Type dropdown list to “Section 58 Land Act Final Plan” or “Section 108 Land Title Act Final Plan”. Once the Form is completed it is to be delivered to Surveyor General Operations through EFS with the following documents:

    1. Electronic Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form which has been filled out and contains all the required owner and approval blocks but has not been digitally signed.
    2. Digitally signed Survey Plan Certification (SPC) form and affixed survey plan image.

Note that supporting documents can be attached to an EFS package by uploading attachments within a Web Filing application, or after Web Filing, by adding files directly in the EFS package.

Natural Boundary Adjustment and Accretion Applications Pursuant to Sections 94(1) and 118(1) of the Land Title Act

Applications to add accreted lands to an upland title (s. 94(1)(c) LTA), to properly depict the location of a natural boundary of a parcel on a new plan (s. 94(1)(d) LTA) and to properly depict the location of a natural boundary or include accretion on a statutory right of way plan (s. 118(1) LTA) may be submitted to the Surveyor General through EFS.

See Circular Letter No. 477A for application requirements.

Following is the process for submitting (1) an application for conditional approval and (2) the supporting Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form for endorsement of the appropriate certificate by the Surveyor General.

  1. Application for Conditional Approval
    An application must be made to the Surveyor General for conditional approval pursuant to s.94(1)(c), 94(1)(d) or 118(1) of the Land Title Act. Complete the Web Filing form, setting the Application or Plan Type dropdown list to one of: “Accretion Application”, “Natural Boundary Adjustment Application”, or “SRW Plan 118(1) Application”. Once the Form is completed it is to be delivered to Surveyor General Operations through EFS. As part of Web Filing, checklists are now integrated into the Web Filing Form entry process and do not need to be submitted separately. Example checklists for Sections 94(1)(c), 118(1) and 94(1)(d) of the Land Title Act can be found below. All of the required information outlined in the checklist must be submitted as part of the application.

    1. Example Web Filing Checklist – Accretion Application pursuant to s.94(1)(c) of the Land Title Act
    2. Example Web Filing Checklist – Natural Boundary Adjustment Application pursuant to s.94(1)(d) of the Land Title Act
    3. Example Web Filing Checklist – Statutory Right of Way Plan Application pursuant to s.118(1) of the Land Title Act
  2. Submission of the Supporting Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office Form
    Once preliminary approval is granted and you have complied with any requirements of the preliminary approval, you may submit the Plan for endorsement of the certificate by the Surveyor General. Complete the Web Filing form, setting the Application or Plan Type dropdown list to one of: “Accretion Final Plan”, “Natural Boundary Adjustment Final Plan”, or “SRW Plan 118(1) Final Plan”. Once the Form is completed it is to be delivered to Surveyor General Operations through EFS with the following documents:

    1. Electronic Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (DSPL) form which has been filled out and contains all the required owner and approval blocks but has not been digitally signed.
    2. Digitally signed Survey Plan Certification (SPC) form and affixed survey plan image.

Note that supporting documents can be attached to an EFS package by uploading attachments within a Web Filing application, or after Web Filing, by adding files directly in the EFS package.

Renewal of Survey Monument Form

In limited circumstances a BC land surveyor may upgrade or replace a survey monument and ancillary evidence without filing a plan in either the Crown Land Registry or the Land Title Register.

In such instances it is necessary to file a Renewal of Survey Monument form. This can be applied for through Web Filing by creating a Surveyor General Application Package and selecting “Renewal of Survey Monument” as an application to add to your package. The submitter details and post renewal details should be entered into the web filing system. The Renewal of Survey Monument sketch card can either be filled out digitally, or printed, marked up by hand, and scanned. After it is filled out, it must be attached to the application by clicking the “Choose File” button in the Web Filing “Monument Sketch” field.

The Renewal of Survey Monument form must then be electronically signed by the land surveyor, which can be done through the Web Filing portal, and then submitted through EFS.

Statutory Application for Designation Pursuant to Sections 218(1)(d) and 219(3)(c) of the Land Title Act

Although the Land Title Act specifically allows certain bodies to hold covenants and statutory rights of way charges there are often situations where a body, other than those specifically mentioned in ss.218 and 219 of the Act, have a need to hold a covenant or a right of way. Sections 218 (1)(d) and 219(3)(c ) of the Act allow the minister responsible for the Land Title Act to designate a person able to hold one or both of these types of charges. This authority has been delegated to the Surveyor General.

Application for designation of authority to hold statutory rights of way or covenants may be made through EFS by submission of a Web Filing application form.
Complete the Web Filing form, setting the Application or Plan Type dropdown list to one of: “SRW Designation Application” or “Covenant Designation Application”

As part of Web Filing, checklists are now integrated into the Web Filing Form entry process and do not need to be submitted separately. Example checklists for Sections 218(1)(d) or 219(3)(c) of the Land Title Act can be found below. All of the required information outlined in the checklist must be submitted as part of the application.

  • Example Web Filing Checklist: Statutory Right of Way Designation Application under s. 218 of the Land Title Act
  • Example Web Filing Checklist: Covenant Designation Application under s. 219 of the Land Title Act

For further assistance, please call the LTSA Customer Service Centre at 604-630-9630 in the Metro Vancouver area, or 1-877-577-5872 if calling from elsewhere in BC, Canada and the United States.

Dave Swaile, BCLS, CLS
Senior Deputy Surveyor General